
Happy Birthday

Today is my mom's birthday.

I was talking to one of my adult students today during her lesson. She and her family just found out that her niece is pregnant and she's only 20. She's in college right now, a junior, and is currently studying hotel management on a study-abroad program in Europe. The girl is scared and upset, wants to come home, quit school and find a job, any job, that will allow her to provide for this baby. The father's parents are saying discouraging things. It's a bit of a mess. I kept thinking, Wow. What is she going to do?

And then I remembered, my mom found herself pregnant with me when she was 20. While she was still in college. Without a job and without insurance. I doubt that was part of her and my dad's plan.

My mom's plans changed. We've never really talked about it, but I would assume she was going to college with the plan of beginning her career after graduation. She's a brilliant woman. She would have been excellent at whatever she chose to pursue. Instead, she stayed home with me. And then with my brother, my sister, and is finally seeing my youngest brother through high school.

And she's excellent at it.

So, on her birthday, I say THANK YOU! for making those sacrifices, and for making those hard decisions. I believe I'm finally beginning to understand what that meant.

I love you, Mom.

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