
Talk about a disappointment

Every Saturday I teach a class called Young Musicians. There are three sections: kids 3-4 years, 5-7, and 8-10. We just had our 6th class this morning.

Today after the class for kids 5-7, a mom pulled me aside.

"Mrs. Price, I have to tell you this funny story," she started. "I asked my daughter how she was enjoying your class and she said she really likes it!"

"Great!" I said.

"But," the mom went on, "then she said she was kind of disappointed that she hadn't learned any magic tricks yet."

"Oh?..." I said.

"Yes, apparently she thought she was taking Young Magicians classes on Saturdays."


little ms. notetaker said...

OMG! That story is so cute! I think you should send it into Reader's Digest... it's THAT cute!

mary said...

My dear Jessica,
I read your blog, and you make me laugh, and then take me to my dream world where I dream I could be in all the places you have been. It must be wonderful to return to such revery and relive each tiny piece of dreams and savor the very existence of them. What a wonderful thing, and some day you will get to share all of this with your children and savor it again. Lucky girl.

Comment on the pants blog....I used staples especially in high school and there were days I would literally sparkle as I walked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Sad but true!!

I miss fall the most here. Enjoy.

Jessica said...

Hi Mary,

Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoy the posts. :) That's too funny about the staples!!!