
It's kind of like being invincible

A pair of yellow rubber gloves purchased from the local grocery store (yes, the same place I found my amazing swimsuit) has changed my life.

Since childhood I have hated (no really, hated is not too strong of a word here) getting my hands dirty. I don't know why, just something in my genes, I guess. My mom tells me that as a tiny child I would cry until she rinsed them off. Well, I don't cry any more, but I still go out of my way to avoid having dirty hands.

In my pre-glove world, washing the dishes always grossed me out. Especially when I first had to empty the water Jeff left in the sink from the night before. While I can't imagine that anyone likes sticking their hand in the cold, gray, grease-streaked dishwater, I really despised it. And then I would have to wring out the dishcloth; there's just something about a dishcloth that rubs me the wrong way.

I now live in a post-glove world, where little things like dishcloths and dried-on food bits don't slow me down one bit. I have also noticed that I'm considerably faster at doing the dishes in my post-glove world.

I have thought of other uses for my gloves, such as:
  • Wiping down the counters
  • Cleaning the bathrooms
  • Scrubbing the floor around the toilets
  • Teaching my Young Musicians classes on Saturdays
So bring on the dirt. I'm ready.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I told you...the rubber body suit is definitely needed for Saturdays...:)