
Sweet dreams are made of these

Last night Jeff went to bed much earlier than I did. He's a pretty light sleeper, so when I came to bed I started to have a little conversation with him. He was keeping up pretty well, especially for having been asleep for about 1 1/2 hours. I was starting to think maybe he hadn't really fallen asleep yet (it's hard to tell sometimes because his eyes are closed), and then in the middle of a sentence he said,

"I wish chocolate sauce was made in the US."

And I said, "Oh. They don't make it here?"

so sadly "No."

"Oh. That's sad. Do you like chocolate sauce?"

happier "Yes."

"What do you like to eat it with?"

a pause for thought "Cake."

"Cake? What about ice cream? I thought your favorite food was ice cream?"

"No... I don't really like ice cream anymore."


"I have to go to bed now. Good night wife."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is impressive! When I talk in my sleep, it's usually just completely inchoherent noise - not discernible words!