
Well, no, but it kind of looks like it, doesn't it?

Recently Jeff was a guest musician in my Saturday Young Musicians classes. He was there to demonstrate the soprano, alto, and tenor saxophones.

With the 3 year olds, I like to use comparison words to help them build vocabulary. So I'll ask them things like, "Which saxophone is bigger?" and "Which saxophone sounds lower?" I also think it's useful to ask follow up questions so they have a chance to explain why they think that. Sometimes I get unexpected, but clearly rational, answers.

Jeff brought his prized vintage alto (a great jazz horn) to show them. It was made in the mid-60s, so it looks pretty used. There are large patches where the lacquer has rubbed off and the brass is exposed, and some of the lacquer that has remained is turning a little greenish or orangish in places from oxidation. After playing and talking about that horn, he held it up next to the tenor, which was made only about 5 or 6 years ago. It's in pristine condition. Beautifully shiny, no visible scratches, and a uniform color all over.

"Which saxophone is bigger?" I asked.

"That one!" they shouted and pointed at the tenor.

"Which one is older?"

A short pause, and then "That one!" as they pointed at the alto.

"How do you know?"

A longer pause and then one girl finally said, "It has mold on it."


Unknown said...

OK, it's a good thing Jon wasn't at home when I read this because you made me snort, Jess! ;)

little ms. notetaker said...

Ha! Thanks for the daily laugh. That is great!

Mel said...
