
Is it possible that 1988 was really 20 years ago? No....

So today in a lesson, I was showing my especially astute student a piece in one of my books from my student days. It had the date, minus the year, written on the top.

Me: Oh, look! I was working on this piece on December 3rd, too, when I was in 7th grade. Hmm... let's see, what year would that have been?... I graduated high school in 1995, so -

Student: (giggling)

Me: What's so funny?

Student: You graduated high school the same year I was born! (short pause) Wow, you're old.

Me: *sigh*


Mel said...

oh man.... you being old is a joke i will never tire of... good one jess. good one.

Anonymous said...

Ha!Ha! Do you ever get the "you look good for your age?" Damn those kids...

Unknown said...

It's amazing that today's kids never knew a world without NSync and the Backstreet Boys, isn't it? Poor children. ;)