
All's fair...

You know how Jesus walked on water?

Well, we might be dealing with some seriously holy squirrels.

Our squirrel war has intensified pretty significantly over the last few months. When I think back to our first feeble attempts to capture the squirrels (the sticky glue paper), I can only shake my head with a sigh at our naiveté. After the squirrels used the papers as play things (they covered them with the loose cellulose insulation from the attic) we knew something had to change.

So we bought 2 live traps. Squirrels make a lot of racket when they get trapped in one of those, let me tell you. Jeff took the first two squirrels that were captured to a park near our bank, which is about 8 miles from our house. As soon as he opened the trap, they were out like a shot. Straight back to our house! That's right friends. You could trade in your fancy navigation system for a run of the mill squirrel. Turns out they have a natural GPS system of their own, so even when taken away from home, they can still find their way back. Okay, okay, so I don't know for certain that the squirrels we captured 2 days later were the same squirrels, but they looked suspiciously similar.

We were having trouble with the idea of actually killing captured squirrels until the other day when it became abundantly clear that not only were the squirrels still very much in this battle, but that we were in serious danger of losing. Our defenses had been compromised. Jeff was taking his laundry to the basement when much to his surprise, he saw a squirrel. In the basement. That's right, out in the clear light of day. Having witnessed such a brazen move, we knew we had to strike back.

We put the traps back up and when we heard that we had captured one, we waited. And waited. And after a day, we didn't hear anything anymore. Sad, I know, but this is war.

Well, we've been feeling pretty good about the repairs Jeff made in the attic because we haven't heard anything for a couple of days. There's been no more sightings in the basement and we were starting to breathe a little easier. That is until this morning.

I was sitting in the office drinking my coffee when I heard Jeff say "So that's why I haven't seen any squirrel tracks."

I looked out the window and to my surprise, I saw a squirrel walking ever so carefully on the snow and he wasn't making a single track. It was like Jesus himself had taught him.

Now how are we going to compete with that? With God on their side, I'm afraid we don't stand a chance.


Unknown said...

Jess, you are making me very nervous about my impending home ownership! Though I don't think there are many squirrels anointed by God in Texas. We'd probably get holy armadillos or something!

Jessica said...

Would those be considered holy rollers? Hahahahahahahaha! :)

Sarah Miles said...

A cat would take care of your problem:)