
Job requirements: Punch, kick, talk and make it look easy

Tonight at kickboxing, my fabulous instructor said something to all of us at the end of class:

"Stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, Oh, and if you're ever interested in teaching, I would be happy to train you..."

What?! Seriously??

Okay, need to go back a little bit. Somewhere along the line, I developed this list of jobs that I thought would be really fun and that I'd like to do at some point in my life.

On my list:
1. Farmer
2. Bartender
3. D.J.
4. Mailman

I have already held the following jobs: farmer and bartender. Bartending was much more fun and a helluva lot more profitable than farming. Holy cow, do you know how hard it is to be a farmer? Good grief those people work hard.

Anyway, not to brag or anything, but my kickboxing instructor has called me 'hard core' on more than one occasion. I think I may be punching my way toward crossing one more job off my list.

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