
Oh, to runaway and join a rock band

An open letter to Jack Johnson (my new favorite singer of all-time)

Dear Jack:

I have recently discovered your work through Pandora Radio. I bought your CD In Between Dreams yesterday at my local Target. I played it for the first time this morning as I got ready for work. I even made my husband listen, too. Well, to be fair, probably even the neighbors heard it, as I had it cranked up to maximum volume. I love to dance (although I'm not what you'd consider a good dancer) and I danced as I applied my eye shadow.

I love your music. And, as it turns out, I'm a musician, too. Flute. Now, I've listened to your CD about 3 times through today and I will admit, I was trying hard to imagine some flute sounds mixed in with this fabulous music because then, well, you would need a flute player and I would so do it. Bad news. I don't think you need flute. Which sucks. Because I would totally be in your band. I noticed you used accordion on a couple tracks. That was cool.

I would still like to be in your band, so I've come up with the following ideas..... 1) Nada.

Lame. I would like to be in a rock band. I could do it.

Well, if you ever need a flute player or a pretty bad dancer (I do kickbox quite well, though, and that's kind of like dancing...well, I can totally punch in perfect time at any tempo), please don't hesitate to call.



Unknown said...

Heehee... I always thought it would be awesome to play in a rock band too, but there's just no place for flute in any of the bands I love. Jack Johnson is fantastic! Jon and I had "Banana Pancakes" and "Better Together" playing during the dinner music at our wedding reception (my choices, of course). :) He's playing at UCLA during a weekend I'm actually in LA, but I can't afford to spend $56 on a ticket. :(

Jessica said...

I love Banana Pancakes!!! Make you banana pancakes, pretend that it's the weekend... ahh, happiness in a song. :)