
Next time I'll try carrot sticks

Don't eat Taco Bell before kickboxing class.

That's probably the best advice I have ever given on any topic, ever. About 1 hour and 25 minutes ago, I had a very different blog entry shaping up in my head.... (cue the wavy lines and tinkly music...)

Wow! This kickboxing class is great! This is really fun. I'm so glad I joined this gym! I can't believe how it's all coming back to me after 7 years! I'm doing pretty good! And there are a couple girls my age -- maybe we'll strike up a chat after class....

(more serious kickboxing moves involving 'the mountain climber,' a move only a masochist would enjoy)

Oh... I'm not feeling so well... I wish I hadn't eaten those $.79 nachos from Taco Bell... ughhh...

"COME ON ladies! Kick those legs!"

Oh my god, I think I'm going to puke... (quickly exiting the class to head to the bathroom where my premonition indeed becomes reality, 4 times in a row)

Well. I feel much better now. Won't make that mistake again.

"Oh! You're back! Good. You ran off kind of quickly..."

So, there you have it. I've joined a gym. I really like it. And now I'm the pukey girl. Perhaps not the most auspicious beginning, but there's always the next class.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm impressed you went back to the class after puking. Talk about an iron will!